Friday, May 25, 2007

The lost art of doodling

In my bar review class, they give us a fill-in-the-blanks workbook, and we sit there for 3 1/2 hours every day, filling it in. There's really no legitimate need to bring a computer to class, so screwing around on the internet to combat the inevitable boredom is not an option. Instead, I have taken to doodling in the margins of the book. However, I find myself at a loss for good doodling ideas--three years of taking notes exclusively on computers have made me forget what I used to do. I am open to suggestions.


Fishfrog said...

I just draw lines and shapes and then color in the shapes. It's fun. You could try drawing animals, like bunnies or baby ducks...

Amanda G. said...

I find warm fuzzy villages are fun to draw.